Friday, January 8, 2010

He Won't Share His Passwords - Response

"Damn you Tiger…damn you! I blame him for bringing this issue frothing to the top.

Problem W/ Passwords,

It isn’t about the “idea of a marriage with secrets”, that you should be focusing on, rather the corner stone to any healthy relationship, which is TRUST. If you trust the guy and have faith that there is true mutual respect and love for one another, why kill yourself over some email or phone passwords. He asked you to marry him. If you had some doubt why would you have said yes? Look, the moment you tie that knot the rest of the world (friends, government, etc.) is going to see you two as one living, breathing entity. Which frankly I believe is unrealistic; we are distinct individuals that at time need those things that remind us that we are distinct. I am one who believes that as fused as your union may become. It is as important to hold on to those bits and pieces, like guy/girl's night out, hobbies, what ever you like doing alone, and yes, passwords. It gives one a semblance of the distinct self. In the end it’s much healthier to the union and the self. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s important to have some separate along with the same.

A little M.O.S"