"I believe we 'can' forgive. 'Can' implies 'capability' or 'capacity' to act. Perhaps the GREATER question is 'will' we forgive the person(s) who've done us harm the most! 'Will' speaks to our inner-decision or motivation to 'do' something. Many of us 'can' forgive those who've harmed us, yet a WHOLE HEAP OF US aren't WILLING to forgive...so no ... See no matter how much capability we have to DO an act of forgiveness, if we're not WILLING to DO 'forgiveness', guess what, it ain't happening.
Is it easy? Nope. Is it worthwhile? Sure....it HAS to be worthwhile, or else God wouldn't have taken time out to put emphasis on it through Jesus' teachings on forgiveness.
We all CAN forgive, we all just need to be WILLING first, and then trust Him to get us through to the 'worthwhile' part :-)
......the question sure gave ME some things to THINK about....! Thanx Sis!"
Is it easy? Nope. Is it worthwhile? Sure....it HAS to be worthwhile, or else God wouldn't have taken time out to put emphasis on it through Jesus' teachings on forgiveness.
We all CAN forgive, we all just need to be WILLING first, and then trust Him to get us through to the 'worthwhile' part :-)
......the question sure gave ME some things to THINK about....! Thanx Sis!"