Last week I had a conversation with someone about accomplishments. I found myself thinking what did I accomplished in 2009 and in life overall. At first I was looking at myself in the worldly sense. Have I accomplished what society says I should have by 38 yrs old? Am I to look at what others have done with their lives and use that as my par or rule of thumb? Am I to live up to someone else's expectations?
Can I tell all of you judgemental people what I have accomplished? I have survived 4 major surgeries, the removal of 7 organs and several tumors, a brain aneurysm, menopause at 35, and a major heart attack. I survived these things because GOD granted me His Grace. My life has been a testimony of how true God is, how real He is, how loving He is. Thank you LORD for using me. Use me all day everyday. Thank you for leading me into a life of righteousness and away from a life of self righteousness.
I know people who make six figures but aren't nearly as blessed as I am. I know people who have swarms of "friends" who aren't nearly as blessed as I am. However these are the folks who look at me and judge.
Can I tell all of you judgemental people what I have accomplished? I have survived 4 major surgeries, the removal of 7 organs and several tumors, a brain aneurysm, menopause at 35, and a major heart attack. I survived these things because GOD granted me His Grace. My life has been a testimony of how true God is, how real He is, how loving He is. Thank you LORD for using me. Use me all day everyday. Thank you for leading me into a life of righteousness and away from a life of self righteousness.
I know people who make six figures but aren't nearly as blessed as I am. I know people who have swarms of "friends" who aren't nearly as blessed as I am. However these are the folks who look at me and judge.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, lean on GOD. Listen to His Word. Set you sites and goals on His Will being done in your life. If I can accomplish what He wants me to, if I can be used by Him to spread His word, if I can be used as a vessel to bless people and lead them to Jesus Christ what more need I accomplish?
~Andrea D. Kelly
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