Now I know good and well that most of you have heard that saying (look at title of this entry). So someone please explain why, why, why all the lies.
If you are thinking of lies to cover your actions in the midst of them, then STOP. STOP what you are doing. Most of you will immediately think of some man that has wronged you. While that may be the case for you, let's take a look at the bigger picture.
I have run in a lot of dishonesty lately. And it's across the board. People telling lies on the job, to their friends, to their family member and what's worse to themselves. These same people turn around and complain about their lives. They are in bad relationships, or have financial problems or hate the jobs or can't trust their "friends".
Well I am a person filled with flaws. I've made my fair share of foolish choices. At the same time I am neither a moron, imbecile or idiot. (look up the definitions) So don't treat me like one. You insult me with your lies and outlandish stories that very few people would believe. And when you do come crying or complaining I do the best I can for which is pray for you and advise you to pray for yourself. I tell you seek answers in the WORD and lean on GOD. But it's weird how when I do that you suddenly lose interest in sharing with me. When you're a liar the truth hurts.
Stop hurting yourself and those around you. Believe me, I do my best to take my own advice. It's working. Lies = Pain but Truth = Love