Friday, October 15, 2010


This is one of those times when I have to put my trust in the LORD. I know I cannot trust the system most of the time. Well maybe I should say a lot of the time. I see young women who have baby after baby. They have three and four baby daddys. Due to circumstances they neither further their education nor developed a trade. They lack experience that will help them get a decent paying job. Most of their baby daddys don’t work, or they work under the table or they are in jail or they have 5 other kids to support. So what do these women do? They get on the system. They get section 8 housing and pay change a month in rent. They get food stamps. They get health insurance. They get financial assistance. Sometimes they misappropriate the funds. They keep man after man coming in and out of the home.
Somehow the guy who graduated from college but chose to do nothing with himself has managed to get a couple hundred dollars in monthly food stamps and insurance from the county.
Then you have a 60 something year old woman who has fallen on hard times. Her children are in no position to help her. Due to poor health she cannot work. While disability helps, she still cannot afford to live above the poverty line. She has some help with her rent but she still has doctor appointments, prescriptions, household bills and transportation to pay. Yet when she applies for help she receives $16 a month in food stamp. The end.
And what about the mother of four? She went to college. Started a career then put it aside to raise her family. She hasn’t had a “job” in 17 years because her husband wanted her to stay at home. Now he has left her for a young lady who is six years older than his own daughter. While he is paying child support and alimony, it doesn’t equate to what he was bringing into the home. After all he and his 20 something girlfriend can’t be left destitute. When mom applies for help she is denied everything. The end.
Now do not get me wrong. As an unemployed person myself, who has had serious health issues, I am not against social services. But can we please revamp? Not get rid of but redo. Restructure. Why is there such a hold up with health care reform? Why must the politicians battle everything out? You mean to tell me they would rather Obama fail and us suffer than sit at a table TOGETHER and push something out for the people. This is utterly ridiculous.
We must pay attention to what is going on. I like to watch FOX News. I like to watch MSNBC. I listen to Keith Olbermann, Bill O’Reilly, Rachel Maddow and Glenn Beck. I am a huge fan of NPR. In efforts to be well informed I need to listen to both sides and decide for myself. Unfortunately I tend to hear a lot of back and forth. I may be a sheep in a herd, but Jesus Christ is my only Shepherd. I cannot put my future blinding in the hands of the politicians who spend money to slander rather than to build up, I keep my Bible close at hand.
You know that mother with four baby daddys? Guess what! She didn’t vote. She doesn’t care. But let her food stamps get cut. She’ll voice her opinion then. On top of that, none of her baby daddys vote either. What’s more, some “educated” people don’t bother to vote. We have to do our part. We have to force the issues with these politicians. Make yourselves heard. People bad mouth the Tea Party. I do not agree with the Tea Party but I know who they are. They make themselves known. We must stop sitting idly by. We have to care. I care. I want you to care. I want her to care. I want him to care. I really do.
I have decided to join my local chapters of both the NAACP and the Urban League. I have reapplied to be a Big Sister here in CT. I was a Big Sister in Florida and have recently reconnected with my Little Sister. I’m not trying to boost my resume or ask for a round of applause. I am challenging you to make a difference. Hopefully I can mentor a child from a broken home and stop at least one cycle. I’d like to think I had a hand in helping my Little Sister in Florida. Hopefully I have a hand in her making good decisions.
As for that mother with 4 kids, a bunch of baby daddys, no education and no skills, I’m hoping to give you a helping hand as well. Hopefully I can mentor or tutor one of your children. Hopefully my vote will be successful with placing a candidate in office who will help you prosper so that you do not abuse the system.
GOD gives us talents and abilities. HE expects us to use them. Use them in a way that is pleasing to HIM. Please people. Let’s work together. Let’s challenge each other. Let’s make the politicians work for us. How can we ask them to do their part when we will not do our own? Don’t you think they know we sit on our couches moaning and groaning. We may even moan and groan little when talking to friends and coworker but what else do we do? Nothing.
So I am going to continue to hold fast to the LORD and keep trusting HIM. Meanwhile I am going to spread my wings. I am going to touch at least one person a day. Won’t you do the same?
P.S. I had to add to this post because I was thinking about editing it. I thought maybe my tone was too harsh. Then I thought no I am going to leave it as is because it is honest. These are my thoughts. I do not want to start mincing words. I woke up this morning with what I think is a profound and useful thought… saying "That's not fair" doesn't change anything. Be positively reactive so next time you can be rightfully proactive.
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