Thursday, June 17, 2010


You know I never really thought of myself as a selfish person. However after finding myself in a situation where I was completely dependant on others, I found out just how selfish I am.
Last year when I had a heart attack, GOD sent so many people to rally around me. These people including, family, friends, my church and co-workers freely gave so much of themselves to help my cause.
Here I am a year later. I have had plenty of time to reflect. Would I have been so caring and giving? I can only hope so but I cannot say for sure. Of my many flaws this is one I want to work very hard at correcting. What good am I to society and what kind of child of GOD am I if I cannot give of myself to those in need.
I finally understand that I don't have to be rich to give. I can give time, thoughts and prayers. I have a long way to go. I am still learning to give of myself freely and without feeling frustrated and without feeling like I made some grand sacrifice. I am also learning how to give silently. That is giving without boasting.
I read a great book. The main character was a woman named Lifee. She had nothing but everything to give. She did so with a smile on her face and sincerity in her heart. GOD blessed her beyond belief. I hope to be at least half the woman Lifee was. I am hoping this blog is a stepping stone to sharing. Many people have responded and enjoy my little tidbits. If anything I write is inspiring to even one of you or helpful in anyway then it is more that worth every second I spend on it. I know one thing for sure. This blog teaches me a lot. I learn from your responses, be them one line or two pages. Thank you all for helping me become a better person. I will pay it forward with sincerity. :)
Artwork above titled "My Sister's Keeper," by Henry Lee Battle