Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Spread The Word

As many of you know I am the survivor of a heart attack and a brain aneurysm amongst many other things. My body has tried to give up on me a couple of times. I battle to be healthy. Only by GOD's grace am I still here.
I tell my stories as often as possible. A friend of mine asked me if I really thought people wanted to hear about me all the time. I explained to her that I was not telling my story but my testimony and by doing so I was spreading the good news about GOD.
There are lyrics to a song that say, "I said I wasn't gone tell nobody but I couldn't keep it to myself." It would be selfish of me to keep my testimony to myself. GOD wants me to share. So you do the same. Tell people how good GOD is.
The other day my Facebook status read, "Sometimes GOD makes me feel like I am HIS favorite daughter." Let me tell you what happened that day. Read carefully and you'll read about the LORD in action. WHOO!

I had a good job, one I really liked and it paid well. Hard to come by these days. I lost that job when I had my heart attack last year. I could not collect unemployment because I was not medically released to work. However, I was able to get health insurance through Title 19.
Several months later I was medically released but jobs were scarce. I started collecting unemployment and was dropped by Title 19. Believe me when I say cardiac care is very expensive. I considered giving up the unemployment because in my condition health insurance is more important.
In the meantime I had doctor's appointments and prescription to get. Last week the pharmacy called and said I had roughly $500 in prescription waiting for me. Mind you that is a monthly fee. I also knew that I had a cardiology appointment. How was I to pay for both? All costs were 100% out of pocket. I decided I'd go see the cardiologist first. Maybe he would be willing to provide me with samples. The billing office said they would be willing to take a partial payment and I could be seen. So in I go. I make my partial payment and then I tell my cardiologist about my situation. After examining me, he walked me to the front and told the staff that I could come see him at ANY TIME FREE OF CHARGE, (tear) and to give me as many samples as I needed. I thanked him profusely. Then I went to my car where I cried and sobbed as I Praised GOD.
I still had meds to pick up but instead of spending $500, I spent $200. Now you tell me GOD ain't good. HA! GOD is GREAT.