Friday, March 25, 2011

Its Okay If We're Different

Is it alright if something trivial to you is serious to me? Is it okay if I dislike something you love? Is it fine if I do it my way and you do it yours? Do you mind if I don't ever want to do that but it's your favorite thing to do?

Actually I don't even know why I am asking these questions. Regardless of your answer I am going to do, say, act and feel how I want to as long as I do not infringe on someone's rights or hurt somebody's feelings.

It doesn't make much since for me to feel uncomfortable so that you won't. It doesn't make much since for me to try to handle something the way you would because it makes you feel better. Something we all have to understand is DIFFERENT is okay. I've said that before and will continue to. Everyday in every way I see people bashing each other over a difference of opinion. Opinions that aren't even harmful, just different.

You like eggs. I think they are disgusting. But I don't think you're weird because you like them. So stop looking at me like I'm crazy because I don't. I like talking about GOD and my faith. You don't. that is fine with me. Stop saying I'm forcing my GOD on you. I am not. I also like to discuss books, music, sports, politics and my favorite tv shows. You don't think I'm pushy when I say I like Reality TV. So why are you bothered when I say I love the LORD? I voted for Obama. You didn't. It's okay. We can still get along. I have close relationships with people who voted for McCain (and yes they are black). No need for us to be at each others' throats about it.

For the most part when a topic brings up a healthy debate I welcome it. It stimulates my intellectual juices. It opens my mind. However there are times when I disagree or simply handle things differently and do not want to "explain" myself.

I don't have to understand everything about you. And you most certainly do not have to understand everything about me. I will NEVER tolerate you. I don't want you to ever tolerate me. I WILL forever appreciate you and I hope you will appreciate me. Me, my flaws, and differences of opinion.

I am invited to my cousin's baby shower this weekend. There is a 90% chance I will NOT attend. People do not understand why and they're looking for a reason. I've tried to explain myself but that hasn't always worked. So I am done with trying to help you understand me. Just appreciate that my behavior is not malicious. My absence is not an indication of my wishing ill will toward you.

I do not attend children's birthday parties. It is not up for debate. We don't need to sit and talk about it. This is one of those time you need not worry about understanding me. Just appreciate that I cope with things differently than you do. And guess what? That's ok.

More on bullying...

One bully case after another. HEY grown people if you seriously want the children to stop bullying, try setting an example. Children learn their communication and coping skills by watching us. Stop bashing each other, adults. Republicans stop bashing democrats. Democrats stop bashing republicans. Whites stop bullying blacks. Blacks stop bullying whites. Christians stop harassing Muslims. Muslims stop harassing Christians. Fat and skinny people, leave each other alone. Damn! We are all family. We are all brothers and sisters. We coexist on Earth. This planet is OUR home. Middletown is my city. I share it with many people. We can all work for the greater good of mankind through various methods. I go to church regularly and pray for as many people as i can remember. She doesn't go to church but she recycles. He doesn't go to church or recycle but he is a big brother. I'm not mad at the 2 who do not go to church. It's not my place to judge them. What I see is 3 people working for the greater good of the community. No need to discuss what activity is more important. We do what we can when we can. No explanation needed.

Be nice to you neighbors. Be nice to the mail carrier. Be nice to the cashier. Be nice to the waitress. Be nice to your coworker. Be nice to you classmate. Be kind to your teacher. Honor your parents. Praise the LORD. Stop teaching your children that being nice goes hand in hand with weakness. When we grown folks stop bullying each other our children will get the hint. And don't wait for someone else to start. YOU take the initiative. I DARE YOU.