What comes to mind when you hear the word enemy? I think of someone who is harmful or detrimental to my well being. What comes to mind when you hear the word friend? I think of someone who is supportive and respectful and who has my best interest in mind. With that said who are your enemies and who are your friends? And think about this. Are you an enemy or a friend to those around you, specifically the young girls in your life?
Personally speaking I have been an enemy without realizing it. I've acted so foolishly that my behavior was self destructive. I've been a poor judge of character engaging with people who care little for me or not at all. I have made terrible choices that so effected my life that I am still recuperating today. All of this sounds like I have been an enemy to myself. Well I have. However, it's not just about me.
In my role as an aunt, a Big Sister, a teacher and a coach, I have come in contact with many young girls. These young girls hear my words. They see my actions. They feel the emotions I express. How I carry myself, how I behave, how I act and interact has influence on them.
It is important for us "seasoned" ladies to remember that we are constantly setting an example. We are constantly being observed. It is our responsibility to act responsibly. It is our duty to lead by example. It is our obligation to befriend the young girls and ladies in our lives. They internalize and the imitate our behavior.
Do you think you are being a friend to you niece when she witnesses you being treated badly and continually going back for more? Do you think you are being a friend to your students when they hear about your careless behavior on Facebook? Do you think you are being a friend to you little sister when you are constantly begging for help and are completely dependent on the people around you?
Get yourself straight so that you can be of help to the next generation. What? Nobody helped you? All the more reason to reach out and help another young girl. If you know it will require a lot of work to get yourself straight, fine. You can still set a good example while you work on self improvement. Keep your business out of the street. Do not share everything with everybody. Do not lie to these young ladies by telling them they out to demand respect and go running outside because some man drives up and honks the horn at you.
What comes to mind when you hear the word friend? I think of someone who is supportive and respectful and who has my best interest in mind. I have the best friend of all, Jesus Christ. HE has taught me to befriend myself so that I may befriend others, specifically the young girls in my life. I have no desire to be a subconscious enemy. An enemy to those around me because I'm living on the clearance rack. Chillin in the clearance aisle. Wallowing in self pity. Mistreating people and allowing people to mistreat me. Thanks be to GOD for 100th chances. Every morning when I wake I am blessed with a new life. A valuable life. In my past I may have convinced people that I was living on the clearance rack. Well it's just that. The past.
Personally speaking I have been an enemy without realizing it. I've acted so foolishly that my behavior was self destructive. I've been a poor judge of character engaging with people who care little for me or not at all. I have made terrible choices that so effected my life that I am still recuperating today. All of this sounds like I have been an enemy to myself. Well I have. However, it's not just about me.
In my role as an aunt, a Big Sister, a teacher and a coach, I have come in contact with many young girls. These young girls hear my words. They see my actions. They feel the emotions I express. How I carry myself, how I behave, how I act and interact has influence on them.
It is important for us "seasoned" ladies to remember that we are constantly setting an example. We are constantly being observed. It is our responsibility to act responsibly. It is our duty to lead by example. It is our obligation to befriend the young girls and ladies in our lives. They internalize and the imitate our behavior.
Do you think you are being a friend to you niece when she witnesses you being treated badly and continually going back for more? Do you think you are being a friend to your students when they hear about your careless behavior on Facebook? Do you think you are being a friend to you little sister when you are constantly begging for help and are completely dependent on the people around you?
Get yourself straight so that you can be of help to the next generation. What? Nobody helped you? All the more reason to reach out and help another young girl. If you know it will require a lot of work to get yourself straight, fine. You can still set a good example while you work on self improvement. Keep your business out of the street. Do not share everything with everybody. Do not lie to these young ladies by telling them they out to demand respect and go running outside because some man drives up and honks the horn at you.
What comes to mind when you hear the word friend? I think of someone who is supportive and respectful and who has my best interest in mind. I have the best friend of all, Jesus Christ. HE has taught me to befriend myself so that I may befriend others, specifically the young girls in my life. I have no desire to be a subconscious enemy. An enemy to those around me because I'm living on the clearance rack. Chillin in the clearance aisle. Wallowing in self pity. Mistreating people and allowing people to mistreat me. Thanks be to GOD for 100th chances. Every morning when I wake I am blessed with a new life. A valuable life. In my past I may have convinced people that I was living on the clearance rack. Well it's just that. The past.